How to choose bee suit?

As with anything in beekeeping, there are several options when it comes to choosing a bee suit. The easiest way of choosing the most suitable bee suit is to try it out in your local beekeeper store.
17.08.2017. 20:00

How to use honey extractor?

The honey extractor is a device which extracts honey without damaging bee combs. It contains a cylindrical drum holding a frame basket, and by spinning it around honey is extracted by centrifugal force. Using honey extractor you can extract all the honey pretty fast and easy, so why not use it?
12.08.2017. 09:00

What’s the buzz about Slovenian AZ beehive?

The Slovenian AZ beehive is a way of beekeeping that will work for some and not for others. Because of its design bees might get the swarming urge more often so the monitoring should be done more often.
05.08.2017. 18:00

Should you wear beekeeping gloves?

Protective gear is necessary, especially head gear. Beekeepers wanting to avoid getting any stings on their hands also wear beekeeping gloves. Beekeepers wanting to avoid getting any stings on their hands also wear beekeeping gloves.
23.07.2017. 22:00

Top 11 Books Every Beekeeper Must Read

If you are not sure if you want to be a beekeeper, then reading a book about it might help you decide. The books we mentioned are targeted to different audiences ranging from complete amateurs to experienced beekeepers.
16.07.2017. 13:00